Jul - 25 - 2013
Our paper “Rational Design of Competitive Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Fuel Cells” has been featured in numerous reputable web portals specialized on scientific and technological news, such as Science Daily, Green Design and Manufacturing, Nanotechnology Today, World of Chemicals, Laboratory Equipment, PhysOrg, PressNews.org, AZoCleantech, and dozens of other on-line publishers. See below:
Jul - 24 - 2013
Fuel Cell Bulletin has published in its “News” section a short description of our work and pointed out that by creating the proposed system, more hydrogen chemical energy will be converted in to electric one and cost of fuel cells (that currently are very expensive) will be significantly reduced. The Fuel Cell Bulletin is the leading source of technical and business news for the fuel cells sector published by very […]
Jul - 24 - 2013
The Defense Tech Brief, the largest circulation design engineering magazine, has published a short article “Sandwich-Like Structures for Efficient Hydrogen Fuel Cells” about our recent findings on competitive electrocatalysts for hydrogen fuel cells, which demonstrate that better and less expensive electrocatalysts can be designed rationally: J. Phys. Chem. Letts. 3, 463 (2012)
Jul - 24 - 2013
UCF Professor Sergey Stolbov and postdoctoral research associate Marisol Alcántara Ortigoza Create More Efficient Hydrogen Fuel Cells by making gold and palladium better suited for the ORR reaction. Mar. 15, 2012 — Hydrogen fuel cells, like those found in some “green” vehicles, have a lot of promise as an alternative fuel source, but making them practical on a large scale requires them to be more efficient and cost effective. Read […]
Jul - 24 - 2013
The International Business Times, one of the world’s leading business news organizations, has published an article entitled “More Efficient Hydrogen Fuel Cells Developed by Researchers” about our new approach to rational design of cost-effective catalysts for hydrogen fuel cells published in Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters ( J. Phys. Chem. Letts. 3, 463 (2012)) http://au.ibtimes.com/articles/318299/20120323/more-efficient-hydrogen-fuel-cells-developed-researchers.htm#.Ue-Rj403uSo